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22.12.2024 11:19:59 Computer: WEBSUPERFUND1 (IP:; your IP: Web server: Microsoft-IIS/10.0 Application: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\quadriga_ttweb\ Protocol: HTTP/1.1 |
Overview | Details | Components | Client | • Show Dictionary | VBScript coder | Dlls | Miscelleaneus | Reload Global Variables |
No="No" [8, String]
None="None" [8, String]
Search="Search" [8, String]
Product="Product" [8, String]
Correlation securities="Comparison securities" [8, String]
All="Wszystko" [8, String]
Other="Other" [8, String]
Indices="Indices" [8, String]
Quadriga products="Superfund funds" [8, String]
Default_product="Default product" [8, String]
NoPortfolio="No Portfolio" [8, String]
OriginalPortfolio="Original Portfolio" [8, String]
OptimalPortfolio="Optimal Portfolio" [8, String]
EqualRiskPortfolio="Equal-Risk Portfolio" [8, String]
ShowPortfolioSecurities="Show portfolio securities" [8, String]
RatioColumn="Ratio Column" [8, String]
XAxis="X Axis" [8, String]
YAxis="Y Axis" [8, String]
Start="Start" [8, String]
End="End" [8, String]
date="date" [8, String]
month="Miesiąc " [8, String]
months="Miesiące" [8, String]
year="year" [8, String]
Create portfolio="Create portfolio" [8, String]
SumPortfolio="SumPortfolio" [8, String]
Inflation corrected="Inflation corrected" [8, String]
USConSprice="US Consumer Price Index" [8, String]
Rolling return="Rolling return" [8, String]
Download Timeseries="Download Timeseries" [8, String]
Product-Info="Product-Info" [8, String]
VisualProperties="Visual properties" [8, String]
ShowLine="Show line" [8, String]
LineColor="Line color" [8, String]
Dashed="Dashed" [8, String]
CorrelationChartErrorText="Sorry, we have no data for the selected time period available" [8, String]
chart size="Chart resolution" [8, String]
ChartStyle="Chart style" [8, String]
Style1="Old style" [8, String]
Style2="Standard style" [8, String]
scale="scale" [8, String]
logarithmic="logarithmic" [8, String]
linear="linear" [8, String]
relative="relative (%)" [8, String]
absolute="absolute" [8, String]
lines="lines" [8, String]
all lines="all" [8, String]
transparent="transparent" [8, String]
inTableStart="Od:" [8, String]
inTableStart2="Początek" [8, String]
inTableEnd="Do:" [8, String]
inTableEnd2="Koniec" [8, String]
Return="Stopa zwrotu" [8, String]
Risk="Miary ryzyka" [8, String]
Statistic="Statystyki" [8, String]
Performance="Całkowita stopa zwrotu" [8, String]
PerformancePA="średnia roczna stopa zwrotu" [8, String]
PerformanceAbs="Całkowita stopa zwrotu" [8, String]
MaxLoss="Maksymalny spadek" [8, String]
VolatilityAN="Odchylenie standardowe p.a." [8, String]
DrawdownAbs="Całkowity spadek wartości" [8, String]
DownVolAN="Downside Volatility" [8, String]
UpVolAN="Upside Volatility" [8, String]
SharpeRatio="Wskaźnik Sharpe'a" [8, String]
ModMARRatio="Wskaźnik MAR" [8, String]
Sortino="Wskaźnik Sortino" [8, String]
Correlation="Korelacja" [8, String]
Sum="Sum" [8, String]
each="each" [8, String]
CorrelationToolDisclaimer="Nie ponosimy odpowiedzialności za poprawność przedstawionych wyników. Ten program kalkulacyjny nie może stanowić podstawy podjęcia decyzji inwestycyjnej." [8, String]
jsConfirm_CurrentMonth="For the current month, we will not have final data.\nProceed anyway, although not recommended?" [8, String]
jsConfirm_StartDate="Data is not complete for: #PRODUCTNAME#\n\nRequested start was: #ENTEREDDATE#\nbut retrieved start is: #RETREIVEDDATE#" [8, String]
jsConfirm_EndDate="Data is not complete for: #PRODUCTNAME#\n\nRequested end was: #ENTEREDDATE#\nbut retrieved end is: #RETREIVEDDATE#" [8, String]
jsEndDateLargerThenStartDate="Start date can not be later than end date." [8, String]
jsConfirm_RRscaleProblem="linear relative scale for multiple products Rolling Return is not working properly." [8, String]
jsRRPeriodAlert="No data for #PRODUCT# with #PERIOD# months rolling return chart.\n\nRequested end was: #ENTEREDDATE#, but retreived start is: #RETREIVEDDATE#." [8, String]
jsLastMonthUltimoEstimatedAlert="No audited end-of-month value yet for: #PRODUCT#\n (audited end-of-month indices are typically available 10 days after the last day of the month)\nProceed anyway, altough not recommended?" [8, String]
jsForcedMin="Forced MinValue cannot be less than -99!" [8, String]
Chart="Chart" [8, String]
RisikoMatrix="Risc Matrix" [8, String]
InteractiveChart="Interactive Chart" [8, String]
Timeseries="Time Series" [8, String]
ProductInfo="Product Info" [8, String]
Portfolio="Portfolio" [8, String]
Client="Client" [8, String]
AvgMonthlyPerf="średnia miesięczna stopa zwrotu" [8, String]
BestMonthlyPerf="Najwyższy miesięczny wynik" [8, String]
WorstMonthlyPerf="Najniższy miesięczny wynik" [8, String]
PositiveMonths="% miesięcy z dodatnim wynikiem" [8, String]
LongestTime="Najdłuższy okres poniżej maksimum" [8, String]
LongestPeriod="Maksymalny spadek" [8, String]
LongestPeriodMenu="Longest time off peak (date)" [8, String]
PresentationMode="Presentation Mode" [8, String]
CreateAsSingleGif="Create as single GIF" [8, String]
ShowXAxisLabel="Show X-Axis Label" [8, String]
ShowGrid="Show Grid" [8, String]
ShowYAxisLabel="Show Y-Axis Label" [8, String]
ShowBackgroundLogo="Show Background Logo" [8, String]
ArabicMode="Arabic Mode" [8, String]
AlignLeft="left" [8, String]
AlignRight="right" [8, String]
AlignCenter="center" [8, String]
ChartAlign="Chart Align" [8, String]
TableAlign="Table Align" [8, String]
RollingReturnsChart="Rolling Returns" [8, String]
ReturnsChart="Returns" [8, String]
ChartInterval="Interval" [8, String]
DrawDownChart="Draw Down" [8, String]
DistributionOfReturns="Distribution of Returns" [8, String]
DistributionSteps="Steps" [8, String]
ShowInTable="show in Table" [8, String]
Mean="średnia arytmetyczna" [8, String]
Skewness="Skośność" [8, String]
Kurtosis="Kurtoza" [8, String]
Table="Table" [8, String]
ConfigureSumPortfolio="Configure Sum Portfolio" [8, String]
Days="days" [8, String]
NoInfoMessage="No description available for this product." [8, String]
Months="months" [8, String]
ClosedFund="fundusz zamknięty" [8, String]
ChartLabelReturn="Stopa zwrotu" [8, String]
ChartLabelFrequency="Częstotliwość" [8, String]
data_TType_0="Subscribe" [8, String]
data_TType_1="Redeem" [8, String]
data_TType_2="Transfer (+)" [8, String]
data_TType_3="Transfer (-)" [8, String]
data_TType_4="Redemption" [8, String]
data_Zahlungsart_0="3 months" [8, String]
data_Zahlungsart_1="6 months" [8, String]
data_Zahlungsart_2="12 months" [8, String]
data_AccountType_GA="Giro account" [8, String]
data_AccountType_SE="Security deposit" [8, String]
data_AccountType_DT="Fixed deposit account" [8, String]
data_AccountType_DG="Deposit (DG)" [8, String]
data_AccountType_GL="General ledger account" [8, String]
general_FooterDisclaimerText="Although compiled with great care, no warranty is made for the information given, which is shown before deduction of tax.<br>No liability for accuracy of this information." [8, String]
Date="Date" [8, String]
AsOf="As of" [8, String]
Currency="Currency" [8, String]
Amount="Amount" [8, String]
SecNr="Sec. Nr." [8, String]
IntRate="Int. rate" [8, String]
ISIN="ISIN" [8, String]
Name="Name" [8, String]
Maturity="Maturity" [8, String]
CoupPeriod="Coup.Period" [8, String]
Last="Current" [8, String]
ValueLast="Latest value" [8, String]
BuyDate="Subscription date" [8, String]
TradeDate="Date" [8, String]
ValueBuy="Capital invested" [8, String]
ChangeAbs="+/- %SecurityCurrency%<br>(+/- %)" [8, String]
shares_abbr="shares" [8, String]
convertedTo="converted to" [8, String]
Action="Transaction" [8, String]
Quote="Price" [8, String]
QuoteDate="Price date" [8, String]
QuoteNow="Last quotation" [8, String]
CurrencyQuote="Exchange<br>rate" [8, String]
Value="Value" [8, String]
ValueNow="Current value" [8, String]
BookDate="Booking date" [8, String]
ValueDate="Value date" [8, String]
Credit="Credit" [8, String]
Debit="Debit" [8, String]
Balance="Balance" [8, String]
Interests="Interests" [8, String]
AllAmountsIn="All amounts in" [8, String]
CustomerHome="Home" [8, String]
Username="Username" [8, String]
Password="Password" [8, String]
Login="Login" [8, String]
Units="Units" [8, String]
Payment="Subscription / Redemption" [8, String]
Agio="Subscription fee" [8, String]
ProfitLoss="Profit/Loss" [8, String]
ProfitLossUnrealized="Unrealized<br>profit/loss " [8, String]
ProfitLossRealized="Realized<br>profit/loss " [8, String]
TotalProfitLoss="Total profit/loss" [8, String]
Redemption="Redemption" [8, String]
realized="realized" [8, String]
CloseWindow="Close Window" [8, String]
Print="Print" [8, String]
SavingsplanID="ANSPARPLAN-NUMMER" [8, String]
ProductNumber="PRODUKT-NUMMER" [8, String]
CapitalGainTax="<b>before deduction of capital gain tax</b>" [8, String]
AT0000662283_quoteFooter="NAV = Index/100000" [8, String]
correctness disclaimer="Zastrzegamy sobie możliwość wystąpienia błędów na przedstawionych wykresach i wyliczeniach!" [8, String]
closed fund=" fundusz niedostępny dla nowych inwestorów" [8, String]
Savings Plan="Plan Systematycznego Oszczędzania" [8, String]
Guaranteed Product="Obligacja z gwarantowaną stopą zwrotu" [8, String]