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22.12.2024 11:14:50
Computer: WEBSUPERFUND1 (IP:; your IP:
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  Overview  Details  Components  Client • Show Dictionary  VBScript coder  Dlls  Miscelleaneus  Reload Global Variables
Dictionary name:
Total Keys: 122

No="No"  [8, String]
None="None"  [8, String]
Search="Search"  [8, String]
Product="Product"  [8, String]
Correlation securities="Comparison securities"  [8, String]
All="All"  [8, String]
Other="Other"  [8, String]
Indices="Indices"  [8, String]
Quadriga products="Superfund funds"  [8, String]
Default_product="Default product"  [8, String]
NoPortfolio="No Portfolio"  [8, String]
OriginalPortfolio="Original Portfolio"  [8, String]
OptimalPortfolio="Optimal Portfolio"  [8, String]
EqualRiskPortfolio="Equal-Risk Portfolio"  [8, String]
ShowPortfolioSecurities="Show portfolio securities"  [8, String]
RatioColumn="Ratio Column"  [8, String]
XAxis="X Axis"  [8, String]
YAxis="Y Axis"  [8, String]
Start="Start"  [8, String]
End="End"  [8, String]
date="date"  [8, String]
month="month"  [8, String]
months="months "  [8, String]
year="year"  [8, String]
Create portfolio="Create portfolio"  [8, String]
SumPortfolio="SumPortfolio"  [8, String]
Inflation corrected="Inflation corrected"  [8, String]
USConSprice="US Consumer Price Index"  [8, String]
Rolling return="Rolling return"  [8, String]
Download Timeseries="Download Timeseries"  [8, String]
Product-Info="Product-Info"  [8, String]
VisualProperties="Visual properties"  [8, String]
ShowLine="Show line"  [8, String]
LineColor="Line color"  [8, String]
Dashed="Dashed"  [8, String]
CorrelationChartErrorText="Sorry, we have no data for the selected time period available"  [8, String]
chart size="Chart resolution"  [8, String]
ChartStyle="Chart style"  [8, String]
Style1="Old style"  [8, String]
Style2="Standard style"  [8, String]
scale="scale"  [8, String]
logarithmic="logarithmic"  [8, String]
linear="linear"  [8, String]
relative="relative (%)"  [8, String]
absolute="absolute"  [8, String]
lines="lines"  [8, String]
all lines="all"  [8, String]
transparent="transparent"  [8, String]
inTableStart="Da:"  [8, String]
inTableStart2="Inizio di"  [8, String]
inTableEnd="A:"  [8, String]
inTableEnd2="Fine di"  [8, String]
Return="Ritorno or Performance"  [8, String]
Risk="Rischio"  [8, String]
Statistic="Statistiche"  [8, String]
Performance="Performance Totale"  [8, String]
PerformancePA="Performance p.a."  [8, String]
PerformanceAbs="Performance abs."  [8, String]
MaxLoss="Draw Down Massimo"  [8, String]
VolatilityAN="Volatilita' p.a."  [8, String]
DrawdownAbs="Drawdown abs."  [8, String]
DownVolAN="Volatilita' nella Downside"  [8, String]
UpVolAN="Volatilita' nella Upside"  [8, String]
SharpeRatio="Sharpe Ratio"  [8, String]
ModMARRatio="MAR Ratio"  [8, String]
Sortino="Sortino Ratio"  [8, String]
Correlation="Correlazione"  [8, String]
Sum="media"  [8, String]
each="each"  [8, String]
CorrelationToolDisclaimer="No responsibility is taken for the correctness of the provided results. The calculating programs do not substitute expert advice."  [8, String]
jsConfirm_CurrentMonth="For the current month, we will not have final data.\nProceed anyway, although not recommended?"  [8, String]
jsConfirm_StartDate="Data is not complete for: #PRODUCTNAME#\n\nRequested start was: #ENTEREDDATE#\nbut retrieved start is: #RETREIVEDDATE#"  [8, String]
jsConfirm_EndDate="Data is not complete for: #PRODUCTNAME#\n\nRequested end was: #ENTEREDDATE#\nbut retrieved end is: #RETREIVEDDATE#"  [8, String]
jsEndDateLargerThenStartDate="Start date can not be later than end date."  [8, String]
jsConfirm_RRscaleProblem="linear relative scale for multiple products Rolling Return is not working properly."  [8, String]
jsRRPeriodAlert="No data for #PRODUCT# with #PERIOD# months rolling return chart.\n\nRequested end was: #ENTEREDDATE#, but retreived start is: #RETREIVEDDATE#."  [8, String]
jsLastMonthUltimoEstimatedAlert="No audited end-of-month value yet for: #PRODUCT#\n (audited end-of-month indices are typically available 10 days after the last day of the month)\nProceed anyway, altough not recommended?"  [8, String]
jsForcedMin="Forced MinValue cannot be less than -99!"  [8, String]
Chart="Chart"  [8, String]
RisikoMatrix="Risc Matrix"  [8, String]
InteractiveChart="Interactive Chart"  [8, String]
Timeseries="Time Series"  [8, String]
ProductInfo="Product Info"  [8, String]
Portfolio="Portfolio"  [8, String]
Client="Client"  [8, String]
AvgMonthlyPerf="Media Performance Mensile"  [8, String]
BestMonthlyPerf="Migliore Performance Mensile"  [8, String]
WorstMonthlyPerf="Peggiore Performance Mensile"  [8, String]
PositiveMonths="% Mesi Positivi"  [8, String]
LongestTime="Massimo tempo di recupero"  [8, String]
LongestPeriod="Massimo periodo di recupero"  [8, String]
LongestPeriodMenu="Longest time off peak (date)"  [8, String]
PresentationMode="Presentation Mode"  [8, String]
CreateAsSingleGif="Create as single GIF"  [8, String]
ShowXAxisLabel="Show X-Axis Label"  [8, String]
ShowGrid="Show Grid"  [8, String]
ShowYAxisLabel="Show Y-Axis Label"  [8, String]
ShowBackgroundLogo="Show Background Logo"  [8, String]
ArabicMode="Arabic Mode"  [8, String]
AlignLeft="left"  [8, String]
AlignRight="right"  [8, String]
AlignCenter="center"  [8, String]
ChartAlign="Chart Align"  [8, String]
TableAlign="Table Align"  [8, String]
RollingReturnsChart="Rolling Returns"  [8, String]
ReturnsChart="Returns"  [8, String]
ChartInterval="Interval"  [8, String]
DrawDownChart="Draw Down"  [8, String]
DistributionOfReturns="Distribution of Returns"  [8, String]
DistributionSteps="Steps"  [8, String]
ShowInTable="show in Table"  [8, String]
Mean="Mean"  [8, String]
Skewness="Skewness"  [8, String]
Kurtosis="Kurtosis"  [8, String]
Table="Table"  [8, String]
ConfigureSumPortfolio="Configure Sum Portfolio"  [8, String]
Days="days"  [8, String]
NoInfoMessage="No description available for this product."  [8, String]
Months="mesi"  [8, String]
ClosedFund="fondo chiuso"  [8, String]
ChartLabelReturn="Performance"  [8, String]
ChartLabelFrequency="Frequenza"  [8, String]