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22.12.2024 11:07:32
Computer: WEBSUPERFUND1 (IP:; your IP:
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Application: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\quadriga_ttweb\
Protocol: HTTP/1.1
  Overview  Details  Components  Client • Show Dictionary  VBScript coder  Dlls  Miscelleaneus  Reload Global Variables
Dictionary name:
Total Keys: 238

No="No"  [8, String]
None="None"  [8, String]
Search="Search"  [8, String]
Product="Product"  [8, String]
Correlation securities="Comparison securities"  [8, String]
All="All"  [8, String]
Other="Other"  [8, String]
Indices="Indices"  [8, String]
Quadriga products="Superfund funds"  [8, String]
Default_product="Default product"  [8, String]
NoPortfolio="No Portfolio"  [8, String]
OriginalPortfolio="Original Portfolio"  [8, String]
OptimalPortfolio="Optimal Portfolio"  [8, String]
EqualRiskPortfolio="Equal-Risk Portfolio"  [8, String]
ShowPortfolioSecurities="Show portfolio securities"  [8, String]
RatioColumn="Ratio Column"  [8, String]
XAxis="X Axis"  [8, String]
YAxis="Y Axis"  [8, String]
Start="Start "  [8, String]
End="End"  [8, String]
date="date"  [8, String]
month="month"  [8, String]
months="months"  [8, String]
year="year"  [8, String]
Create portfolio="Create portfolio"  [8, String]
SumPortfolio="SumPortfolio"  [8, String]
Inflation corrected="Inflation corrected"  [8, String]
USConSprice="US Consumer Price Index"  [8, String]
Rolling return="Rolling return"  [8, String]
Download Timeseries="Download Timeseries"  [8, String]
Product-Info="Product-Info"  [8, String]
VisualProperties="Visual properties"  [8, String]
ShowLine="Show line"  [8, String]
LineColor="Line color"  [8, String]
Dashed="Dashed"  [8, String]
CorrelationChartErrorText="Sorry, we have no data for the selected time period available"  [8, String]
chart size="Chart resolution"  [8, String]
ChartStyle="Chart style"  [8, String]
Style1="Old style"  [8, String]
Style2="Standard style"  [8, String]
scale="scale"  [8, String]
logarithmic="logarithmic"  [8, String]
linear="linear"  [8, String]
relative="relative (%)"  [8, String]
absolute="absolute"  [8, String]
lines="lines"  [8, String]
all lines="all"  [8, String]
transparent="transparent"  [8, String]
inTableStart="من"  [8, String]
inTableStart2="بداية"  [8, String]
inTableEnd="إلى"  [8, String]
inTableEnd2="نهاية"  [8, String]
Return="عودة"  [8, String]
Risk="المخاطرة"  [8, String]
Statistic="الإحصائيات"  [8, String]
Performance="الأداء الإجمالي"  [8, String]
PerformancePA="العائد السنوي"  [8, String]
PerformanceAbs="شمولية الأداء"  [8, String]
MaxLoss="حد الانخفاض الأدنى"  [8, String]
VolatilityAN="التقلب السنوي في الأسعار"  [8, String]
DrawdownAbs="شمولية الخسائر غير المحققة "  [8, String]
DownVolAN="التقلب هبوطاً"  [8, String]
UpVolAN="Upside Volatility"  [8, String]
SharpeRatio="نسبة "شارب""  [8, String]
ModMARRatio="نسبة "تقرير الحسابات المدارة""  [8, String]
Sortino="نسبة "سورتينو""  [8, String]
Correlation="الارتباط"  [8, String]
Sum="المجموع"  [8, String]
each="each"  [8, String]
CorrelationToolDisclaimer="No responsibility is taken for the correctness of the provided results. The calculating programs do not substitute expert advice."  [8, String]
jsConfirm_CurrentMonth="For the current month, we will not have final data.\nProceed anyway, although not recommended?"  [8, String]
jsConfirm_StartDate="Data is not complete for: #PRODUCTNAME#\n\nRequested start was: #ENTEREDDATE#\nbut retrieved start is: #RETREIVEDDATE#"  [8, String]
jsConfirm_EndDate="Data is not complete for: #PRODUCTNAME#\n\nRequested end was: #ENTEREDDATE#\nbut retrieved end is: #RETREIVEDDATE#"  [8, String]
jsEndDateLargerThenStartDate="Start date can not be later than end date."  [8, String]
jsConfirm_RRscaleProblem="linear relative scale for multiple products Rolling Return is not working properly."  [8, String]
jsRRPeriodAlert="No data for #PRODUCT# with #PERIOD# months rolling return chart.\n\nRequested end was: #ENTEREDDATE#, but retreived start is: #RETREIVEDDATE#."  [8, String]
jsLastMonthUltimoEstimatedAlert="No audited end-of-month value yet for: #PRODUCT#\n (audited end-of-month indices are typically available 10 days after the last day of the month)\nProceed anyway, altough not recommended?"  [8, String]
jsForcedMin="Forced MinValue cannot be less than -99!"  [8, String]
Chart="Chart"  [8, String]
RisikoMatrix="Risiko Matrix"  [8, String]
InteractiveChart="Interactive Chart"  [8, String]
Timeseries="Time Series"  [8, String]
ProductInfo="Product Info"  [8, String]
Portfolio="Portfolio"  [8, String]
Client="Client"  [8, String]
AvgMonthlyPerf="معدل الأداء الشهري"  [8, String]
BestMonthlyPerf="الأداء الشهري الأفضل"  [8, String]
WorstMonthlyPerf="الأداء الشهري الأسوأ"  [8, String]
PositiveMonths="نسبة الشهور الإيجابية"  [8, String]
LongestTime="أطول فترة هبوط"  [8, String]
LongestPeriod="اطول مدة خارج فترة الذروة"  [8, String]
LongestPeriodMenu="Longest time off peak (date)"  [8, String]
PresentationMode="Presentation Mode"  [8, String]
CreateAsSingleGif="Create as single GIF"  [8, String]
ShowXAxisLabel="Show X-Axis Label"  [8, String]
ShowGrid="Show Grid"  [8, String]
ShowYAxisLabel="Show Y-Axis Label"  [8, String]
ArabicMode="Arabic Mode"  [8, String]
AlignLeft="left"  [8, String]
AlignRight="right"  [8, String]
AlignCenter="center"  [8, String]
ChartAlign="Chart Align"  [8, String]
TableAlign="Table Align"  [8, String]
RollingReturnsChart="Rolling Returns"  [8, String]
ReturnsChart="Returns"  [8, String]
ChartInterval="Interval"  [8, String]
DrawDownChart="Draw Down"  [8, String]
DistributionOfReturns="Distribution of Returns"  [8, String]
DistributionSteps="Steps"  [8, String]
ShowInTable="show in Table"  [8, String]
Mean="متوسط"  [8, String]
Skewness="معامل الحيود"  [8, String]
Kurtosis="معامل الانحراف"  [8, String]
Table="معامل الانحراف"  [8, String]
ConfigureSumPortfolio="Configure Sum Portfolio"  [8, String]
Days="days"  [8, String]
NoInfoMessage="No description available for this product."  [8, String]
Months="الشهور"  [8, String]
ClosedFund="صندوق مغلق"  [8, String]
ChartLabelReturn="عودة"  [8, String]
ChartLabelFrequency="التواتر"  [8, String]
data_TType_0="Subscribe"  [8, String]
data_TType_1="Redeem"  [8, String]
data_TType_2="Transfer (+)"  [8, String]
data_TType_3="Transfer (-)"  [8, String]
data_TType_4="Redemption"  [8, String]
data_Zahlungsart_0="3 months"  [8, String]
data_Zahlungsart_1="6 months"  [8, String]
data_Zahlungsart_2="12 months"  [8, String]
data_AccountType_GA="Giro account"  [8, String]
data_AccountType_SE="Security deposit"  [8, String]
data_AccountType_DT="Fixed deposit account"  [8, String]
data_AccountType_DG="Deposit (DG)"  [8, String]
data_AccountType_GL="General ledger account"  [8, String]
accounts_PageTitle="Performance report - Overview"  [8, String]
accounts_NoAccounts="No performance reports"  [8, String]
changePassword_WelcomeText="You can enter any new password here. It is not case sensitive.<br>Special characters are not allowed."  [8, String]
changePassword_PageTitle="Change password"  [8, String]
changePassword_oldPassword="Old password"  [8, String]
changePassword_newPassword1="New password"  [8, String]
changePassword_newPassword2="Confirm new password"  [8, String]
changePassword_submit="Change password"  [8, String]
changePassword_SuccessfullyChanged="Your password has been changed!"  [8, String]
changePassword_ErrorTextConfirmationFailed="You did not enter exactly the same password twice."  [8, String]
changePassword_ErrorTextInvalidCharacter="Special characters are not allowed. Please use only digits and letters from A to Z for your password."  [8, String]
changePassword_ErrorTextZeroLength="You did not enter a password."  [8, String]
changePassword_ErrorTextTooShort="The password has to consist of at least three caracters."  [8, String]
changePassword_ErrorTextWrongPassword="The old password is wrong!"  [8, String]
changeUserID_WelcomeText="You can change your username here. It is not case sensitive but must be<br>at least four characters long. Special characters are not allowed."  [8, String]
changeUserID_PageTitle="Change username"  [8, String]
changeUserID_Password="Your password"  [8, String]
changeUserID_newUserID="New Username"  [8, String]
changeUserID_submit="Change username"  [8, String]
changeUserID_SuccessfullyChanged="Your username has been changed!"  [8, String]
changeUserID_ErrorTextInvalidCharacter="Special characters are not allowed. Please use only digits and letters from A to Z for your username."  [8, String]
changeUserID_ErrorTextTooShort="The username must be at least four characters long."  [8, String]
changeUserID_ErrorTextAlreadyExists="This username already exists or is reserved. Please choose another."  [8, String]
changeUserID_ErrorTextWrongPassword="The password is wrong!"  [8, String]
depotTransactions_PageTitle="Transactions"  [8, String]
depotTransactions_NoTransactions="No transactions"  [8, String]
depotTransactions_AlreadySold="Shares already redeemed"  [8, String]
depotTransactions_PartlySold="Only %n% shares<br>left in the deposit"  [8, String]
depotTransactions_AboveTable="Typically, new transactions are posted online by midmonth."  [8, String]
depotDisclaimer="<div class=&quot;header&quot;>Legal notice for users of the online performance report</div><p>All visitors to this restricted area are fully aware that for all of the data provided by Superfund Asset Management GmbH, Superfund Vermögensveranlagungs-AG and their subsidies (collectively referred to as the “Superfund group”) the Superfund group does not guarantee the completeness or correctness of the data contents; although all data have been compiled with great care. Furthermore, all visitors to this restricted area must expressively take note of the fact that the Superfund group does not have any (legal) obligation to grant access to the herein shown data.</p><p>Access to the data shown on the internet may only be granted upon receipt of an explicit and written agreement (revocable at any time) by the respective investor(s). The agreement must be addressed to Superfund Asset Management GmbH. Access is provided by the Superfund group and is free of charge; the Superfund group reserve the right to suspended or deny access at any time, without an explanation.</p><p>The Superfund group does not assume any liability in connection with the granting of access to financial data or for any failed (or incomplete) attempts to gain access through the internet. Moreover, in this regard, Superfund excludes all liability of claims from the beneficiary or beneficiaries. The Superfund group, furthermore, excludes liability of the abusive use of financial data by unauthorized persons unless such a misuse by an unauthorized person is made due to a grossly negligent illegal violation of the contractual obligations of Superfund Asset Management GmbH. However, the Superfund group assumes no liability for any lost profits.</p><p>It is well understood that the objective legal notice is not part of the respective stipulation(s) and contractual relationship(s) that pertain to an investment in Superfund’s financial products (profit sharing rights stipulations).</p><p>The invalidity or inefficacy of any individual components in this legal notice does not affect the validity of the notice’s remaining components. An invalid or ineffective component must be replaced by another component, which suits the visitor of the website as well as Superfund Asset Management GmbH and which does not violate any legal regulations.</p>"  [8, String]
login_PageTitle="Online performance report"  [8, String]
login_SubPageTitle="Login"  [8, String]
login_WelcomeText="<p>Welcome to %CustomerName% online!</p><p>With %CustomerName% Online, you can request to receive all of your %CustomerName% fund subscription performance reports online.</p><p>To begin, please enter your user login and password.<br>No difference is made between capital and small letters.</p>"  [8, String]
login_ErrorTextInvalidPassword="<p>The query cannot be made, because the password is incorrect.<br>Please check your entry.</p><p>Attention: After failing three times to enter, access will be blocked.</p>"  [8, String]
login_ErrorTextInvalidUsername="p>The query cannot be made, because the user login is incorrect or has not been activated yet.</p><p>Please check your entry.</p>"  [8, String]
login_ErrorTextAccountLocked="<p>The query cannot be made, because your access has been blocked.</p><p>Please contact Superfund.</p>"  [8, String]
login_ErrorTextTimeout="<p>Your session was closed because you were inactive for too long.</p><p>This is a precaution to avoid unauthorized retrieval of your data.</p><p>You can login again now.</p>"  [8, String]
login_ErrorTextTimeout2="<p>Your session was closed.</p><p>Please login again.</p>"  [8, String]
login_TextBelowForm="<p style=&quot;color:#e00000&quot;><br><b>IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR ALL SUPERFUND CLIENTS!</b><br>All Superfund clients will receive their personal login name and password two to three weeks after their initial investment, sent per regular mail. After having returned the enclosed declaration of consent to Superfund, your personal online performance report will be activated within a few days.<br><br><br></p><p>Security advice: remember to <span style=&quot;font-weight:bold&quot;>Log off</span> each time you finish using the status report query.</p>"  [8, String]
logout_PageTitle="Online performance report"  [8, String]
logout_SubPageTitle="Log off"  [8, String]
logout_GoodByeText="<p>You have logged off.</p><p>Whenever you wish to obtain information on your performance report<br>please feel free to login at any time.</p><p>Thank you for using our internet service.</p>"  [8, String]
general_FooterDisclaimerText="Although compiled with great care, no warranty is made for the information given, which is shown before deduction of tax.<br>No liability for accuracy of this information."  [8, String]
Date="Date"  [8, String]
AsOf="As of"  [8, String]
Currency="Currency"  [8, String]
Amount="Amount"  [8, String]
SecNr="Sec. Nr."  [8, String]
IntRate="Int. rate"  [8, String]
ISIN="ISIN"  [8, String]
Name="Name"  [8, String]
Maturity="Maturity"  [8, String]
CoupPeriod="Coup.Period"  [8, String]
Last="Current"  [8, String]
ValueLast="Latest value"  [8, String]
BuyDate="Subscription date"  [8, String]
TradeDate="Date"  [8, String]
ValueBuy="Capital invested"  [8, String]
ChangeAbs="+/-&nbsp;%SecurityCurrency%<br>(+/-&nbsp;%)"  [8, String]
shares_abbr="shares"  [8, String]
convertedTo="converted to"  [8, String]
Action="Transaction"  [8, String]
Quote="Price"  [8, String]
QuoteDate="Price date"  [8, String]
QuoteNow="Last quotation"  [8, String]
CurrencyQuote="Exchange<br>rate"  [8, String]
Value="Value"  [8, String]
ValueNow="Current value"  [8, String]
BookDate="Booking date"  [8, String]
ValueDate="Value date"  [8, String]
Credit="Credit"  [8, String]
Debit="Debit"  [8, String]
Balance="Balance"  [8, String]
Interests="Interests"  [8, String]
AllAmountsIn="All amounts in"  [8, String]
CustomerHome="Home"  [8, String]
Username="Username"  [8, String]
Password="Password"  [8, String]
Login="Login"  [8, String]
Units="Units"  [8, String]
Payment="Subscription / Redemption"  [8, String]
Agio="Subscription fee"  [8, String]
ProfitLoss="Profit/Loss"  [8, String]
ProfitLossUnrealized="Unrealized<br>profit/loss "  [8, String]
ProfitLossRealized="Realized<br>profit/loss "  [8, String]
TotalProfitLoss="Total profit/loss"  [8, String]
Redemption="Redemption"  [8, String]
realized="realized"  [8, String]
CloseWindow="Close Window"  [8, String]
Print="Print"  [8, String]
SavingsplanID="ANSPARPLAN-NUMMER"  [8, String]
ProductNumber="PRODUKT-NUMMER"  [8, String]
CapitalGainTax="<b>before deduction of capital gain tax</b>"  [8, String]
AT0000662283_quoteFooter="NAV = Index/100000"  [8, String]
correctness disclaimer="No responsibility is taken for the correctness of the provided quotes and charts!"  [8, String]
closed fund="closed fund"  [8, String]
Savings Plan="Savingsplan"  [8, String]
Guaranteed Product="Guaranteed Bond"  [8, String]
user_ViewHistory="History"  [8, String]
user_ViewAccounts="Performance report - overview"  [8, String]
user_LogOut="Log off"  [8, String]
user_NewLogin="New login"  [8, String]
user_GoToOlderTransactions="Previous transactions"  [8, String]
user_GoToNewerTransactions="Other transactions"  [8, String]